The Journal of Fantasy and Science Fiction Wargaming
Issue 31 contains the following:
- Sweep and Clear
- Down in the Boonies Dirtside II style
- Claws of the Griffon
- More firepower for the High Elves in Man o'War
- Amazon Ambush
- Mecha War on the Trans-American Highway (Mecha Carnage)
- Some like it Hot(t)
- Skaven Fyre and other flammables in Hordes of the Things
- A Day at the Races
- Flintloque comes under starter's orders
- Into the Fire
- A Cold War clash 1890's style (Aeronef)
- Showdown at Atria IV
- A three-way Babylon 5 battle set to confuse... (The Babylon Project)
- Back to Bog-A-Ten
- Complete Victorian-Neolithic Rules
- An interview with...
- Harlequin's Mr Edwards
- Scratch-Building Zeps
- Making Zeppelins from 1/2000th to 25mm
- The Melting Pot
- Reviews of miniatures from Ainsty Casting Company, Brigade Models, The Foundry, Honourable Lead Boiler Suit Co., Gametech and Lance & Laser Inc.
- The Rules of War
- Reviews of Aeronef, Armies of Arcana, Battlefleet Gothic, Crimson Skies, Doctor Who - Invasion Earth, Slaughterloo and Squadron Commander 3600.