Issue: 31
System: The Babylon Project
Publisher: Chameleon Ecletic
Showdown at Atria IV
by David Manley
This is a three way action - EarthForce, Narn and Centauri, set during the Narn-Centauri war. A Narn squadron jumps into the Atria system, a backwater ignored by most civilian transports. Simultaneously, a Centauri squadron arrives in-system aiming to regroup after a recent action against the Narn. Both squadrons are surprised to see two Earth Alliance cruisers in the system with them. More surprising is the hitherto unknown space station orbiting the planetoid Atria IV, towards which the EA cruisers are heading, and the presence of a Jump Gate...
The Earth Alliance and Narn Regime have identified a number of rather 'unpleasant' diseases which have the ability to cross from humans to Narns and vice versa. Unfortunately in the case of the diseases in question Narn treatments do not work on humans and, again, vice versa. Due to the nature and sensitivity of the diseases a secret research programme is looking at cross-species cures, and to that end the Narn Regime offered the use of a small research station. The station was moved to the Atria system as a convenient quiet 'out of the way' place along with a jump gate to allow access by low spec civilian research ships. Unfortunately the project was so secret, few in the Narn Regime's military command structure were made aware of it. Local commanders , of course, were kept informed, but the recent war with the Centauri saw a precision strike take out the local CO and his staff. His replacements, just arrived, are unaware of the programme. This is unfortunate, for many reasons, but not least because similar research stations have been attacked by forces unknown (they are used by many commercial organisations) - one station has disappeared, another was under attack by unknown ships which left when a Narn cruiser unexpectedly appeared in-system - but not before all the Narns aboard were massacred. One of the dead scientists in the attack was the pouch-brother of the commander of the Narn squadron in the Atria system.
The EA ships arriving in the system are there to pick up the scientists (both Narn and human) and take them to safety in EA space. The cruisers notified the station of their arrival some hours ago. But here another coincidence may rear its head - the CO of the second cruiser harbours a grudge against the Centauri in general and the CO of the Centauri squadron in particular. His story is thus - during the Earth-Minbari war the Narns sold weapons to Earth. The CO of the second EA cruiser was an ensign on a similar cruiser during the war which had escorted Narn and Earth Alliance transports which carried weapons. However, they also escorted refugee ships. On one such escort mission a Centauri cruiser attacked, disabling the cruiser and destroying two transports. The Centauri believed they were carrying weapons - instead 4000 civilians died, amongst them the ensign's family who were being evacuated. The CO of the Centauri cruiser is now an Admiral. His flagship is leading the squadron on the Aria System - let confusion reign!
EA Briefing - EAS Hyperion
Intro: You command the EA cruisers Hyperion and Vega, along with their attendant fighter squadrons. Your flagship is the EAS Hyperion.
The Earth Alliance and Narn Regime have identified a number of rather 'unpleasant' diseases which have the ability to cross from humans to Narns and vice versa. Unfortunately in the case of the diseases in question Narn treatments do not work on humans and, again, vice versa. Due to the nature and sensitivity of the diseases a secret research programme is looking at cross-species cures, and to that end the Narn Regime offered the use of a small research station. The station was moved to the Atria system as a convenient quiet 'out of the way' place along with a jump gate to allow access by low spec civilian research ships. Unfortunately the war between the Narns and the Centauri make its position untenable. You are ordered to enter the system, RV with the station and escort the researchers to safety. The researchers equipment, samples and records are being loaded into a Narn transport which must be escorted to the jump gate (it has no jump engines of its own). Avoid contact with either side if possible.
The local Narn commander was aware of the plan, but is now dead, and it is unknown whether the new local commander has been made aware of the presence of the station.
Orders: RV with the station and escort the researchers and their ship to Earth Alliance space. The transport does not have its own Jump engines and must either be escorted to the Jump Gate or assisted in Jumping using a point formed by one of your cruisers.
EA Briefing - EAS Vega
Intro: You command the EA cruiser Vega, along with its attendant fighter squadrons. You are under the command of the commodore in the flagship, Hyperion.
The Earth Alliance and Narn Regime have identified a number of rather 'unpleasant' diseases which have the ability to cross from humans to Narns and vice versa. Unfortunately in the case of the diseases in question Narn treatments do not work on humans and, again, vice versa. Due to the nature and sensitivity of the diseases a secret research programme is looking at cross-species cures, and to that end the Narn Regime offered the use of a small research station. The station was moved to the Atria system as a convenient quiet 'out of the way' place along with a jump gate to allow access by low spec civilian research ships. Unfortunately the war between the Narns and the Centauri make its position untenable. You are ordered to enter the system, RV with the station and escort the researchers to safety. The researchers equipment, samples and records are being loaded into a Narn transport which must be escorted to the jump gate (it has no jump engines of its own). Avoid contact with either side if possible.
The local Narn commander was aware of the plan, but is now dead, and it is unknown whether the new local commander has been made aware of the presence of the station.
Orders: RV with the station and escort the researchers and their ship to Earth Alliance space. The transport does not have its own Jump engines and must either be escorted to the Jump Gate or assisted in Jumping using a point formed by one of your cruisers.
Personal Objectives: A Centauri squadron is known to be operating in the vicinity. The admiral commanding the squadron was responsible for the deaths of your family during an unprovoked attack on an earth transport during the Earth-Minbari war 10 years ago (the Centauri claimed the transports were carrying Narn weapons, but instead 4000 civilians died). There is nothing you would like more than to see the Admiral and his flagship blasted to oblivion by the guns of your cruiser...
Centauri Briefing
You command the 3rd Light Squadron, comprising the Primus class battlecruiser Taso Mayore, the cruisers Vortal, Vorgain and Vortin, along with their attendant fighter squadrons.
Your aim is simple - to engage and destroy any Narn starships, bases and facilities, military or civilian.
You have no problems with this - every Narn civilian is a potential warrior anyway, but you have not always felt like this. Ten years ago you commanded a light cruiser which ambushed a convoy of earth transports your superiors believed were carrying Narn weapons, supplies and technicians. Although you sought confirmation that this was so, you were ordered to engage and destroyed both ships, only to find that the Earthers were right and the transports did carry civilians only - 4000 died at your hands. Still, that was all in the past. You have recently been quite successful; for example your deep ranging cruisers have destroyed one Narn research station and massacred the crew of another in the last two weeks alone.
Orders: Engage and destroy al Narn ships and facilities, military or civilian.
Narn Briefing
The war against the Centauri goes badly - rumours of their Dark Allies persist, but at least in your sector of the front all is not going as the Centauri planned. Your ships have destroyed many enemy ships and now it is time to regroup. Two of your cruisers, including your flagship, have arrived in the Atria system to RV with a transport carrying supplies. However, as you secure from Hyperspace a Centauri squadron appears to be entering the system as well.
This is a bonus (you thrive on combat), but a surprise is the presence of two Earth Alliance cruisers. They appear to be heading for a small space station orbiting the planetoid Atria IV. A scan of the station confirms your suspicions. Similar research stations have been attacked by forces unknown (they are used by many commercial organisations) - one station has disappeared, another was under attack by unknown ships which left when a Narn cruiser unexpectedly appeared in-system - but not before all the Narns aboard were massacred. One of the dead scientists in the attack was your pouch-brother. This looks like the missing station - whoever was responsible for your brother's death must be connected with this station and must pay the penalty!
Orders: Engage and destroy all enemies of the Narn Regime. Defend Narn space from all invading forces.
Personal Objective: Avenge the death of your pouch brother
Playing Area and Notes
The scenario was played out on an 8' by 6' table. Atria IV and the station were placed about 2 feet from one end, with the Jump Gate 1 foot from the opposite end (5 feet between station and gate). At the start of the game the EA cruisers have just entered via the jump gate and are 6" from it, heading towards the station. The Narn and Centauri squadrons enter from the table corners either side of the gate. The transport is not yet fully loaded - this takes 1d6 turns to complete before the transport can move off.
Ed Note: Babylon Project is an RPG produced by Chameleon Eceletic and set in the universe of the popular TV series Babylon 5. Spaceship combat rules were included in the Earth Force supplement and were written by Jon Tuffley of GZG. They share many similarities with Full Thrust and this scenario can be played using this system and the vector rules that appeared in the Full Thrust Fleet Book.
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