The Journal of Fantasy and Science Fiction Wargaming
Issue 32 is an America themed issue and contains the following:
- Bootleggers at 10 o'clock!
- Moonshine running Crimson Skies style
- Battle of Sleepy Hollow
- Don't lose your head when Ichabod returns (Warhammer Fantasy Battle)
- The Black Scorpion
- Madre Dios! Eets el biggo monsta! (Trash Tokyo)
- Run through the jungle
- An Orc named Camoflague? (Flintloque)
- Mars needs cows
- Rednecks, Martians and Cows - yes sir! (Tusk)
- La Merica
- Columbus finds the Knights Templar were first (De Bellis Renationis)
- Trash South Park
- Oh My God! They Killed... (Trash Tokyo)
- Going for gold
- Zombies in the Rules With No Name
- Pod Racing
- Rules for all those Episode 1 racers you bought!
- An interview with...
- Thane of Thane's Games
- In The Spotlight
- JMT casts his eye over Aeronef miniatures
- The Melting Pot
- Reviews of miniatures from Ainsty Casting Company, DLD Productions, Ground Zero Games, I-Kore, Irregular Miniatures and Wessex Games.
- The Rules of War
- Reviews of Panzerfaüste, Space Dreadnought 3000, The Omega Sector, Warmaster, Voyages Extraordinaires and Vor: The Maelstrom.