The Journal of Fantasy and Science Fiction Wargaming
Issue 9 contains the following:
- The Undead Army
- Hints for budding Fantasy Warriors necromancers
- The Eldar in Space Hulk
- Fighting genestealers the classy way
- An Inadvertant Omission
- Corrections for A Kind of Magic from Rag 7
- Deutschland Uber Alles
- 1960s alternate history (reprinted in the 93/94 Compendium)
- Blue Watch
- Psychoborgs and all that jazz (Firefight)
- "Little Boxes made of Tin"
- On the canals of Mars (Ironclads and Etherflyers and Sky Galleons of Mars) (reprinted in the 93/94 Compendium)
- Full Thrusted
- "He's dead Jim!"
- House on the Borderland (Part Two)
- Break out the ply and card
- Competitive Wargaming
- Anoraks on the starboard bow
- More Future Facts
- Synthetic telepathy and stealth ships
- Is Historical Wargaming little more than Fantasy
- Peers is an Orc?
- Oh Mum, it's Hellfire in the Dirtside too, thank-you
- Real SF (not)
- Reviews of Man O'War, Middle-Earth Play-By-Mail and miniatures from Peter Pig, UNITS Wargames, Snapdragon and Citadel.