The Journal of Fantasy and Science Fiction Wargaming
Issue 8 contains the following:
- Right of Reply
- TBA on QMS
- Right of Reply
- GZG on TBA
- Assault on Starbase 13
- The Kra'Vak take on the NAC (Full Thrust)
- Hordes: First Battle of the Dale
- A big battle for Hordes of the Things (reprinted in the 93/94 Compendium)
- Silent Death
- Campaigning, medals and gunboats
- Almost Heaven
- Drunk and disgraced
- Kersplatt!!
- Wonder what happens after you shoot an Alien (Space Hulk / Kryomek / Warhammer 40,000)
- House on the Borderland (Part One)
- Make a 6mm HotT Stronghold
- Fingle PBM Update
- Who's stabbing who in the back?
- Wargamers of Dune
- A spicey Hellfire scenario
- Non-Human Intelligence
- No, not an article on the Secretary (reprinted in the 93/94 Compendium)
- Tactics for Large Scale Hordes
- How to lose in style (Hordes of the Things)
- Reviews of Hellfire and miniatures from Grenadier and Ral Partha.
Plus an insert containing "Storm", 6mm Fantasy Rules