The Journal of Fantasy and Science Fiction Wargaming
![[Ragnarok #43 cover]](images/rag43.jpg)
The following key was accidentally omitted from Table 5 of Idaho Smith and the Terracotta Terror (page 7)
A | Advance | move towards Explorers at up to six inches a move. |
C | Charge | move towards Explorers at up to twelve inches a move. |
H | Halt | do not move for a turn. |
R | Retreat | move away from Explorers at a rate of six inches. |
Issue 43 contains the following:
- Idaho Smith and the Terracotta Terror
- Complete game rules
- Thunderhawk Down
- A Warhammer 40,000 scenario
- Cloudbusting
- Aerial visibility rules for Aeronef
- The Battle of the Field of Celebrant
- A Lord of the Rings scenario for Warmaster
- Die Verwindungausgräber
- A Panzerfaüste scenario
- The Melting Pot
- Reviews of miniatures from Brigade Games, Citadel/Games Workshop, Copplestone Castings, Hetzerdog Miniatures, Italeri; Maidenhead Miniatures, Olley's Armies, Pulp Figures, Revell and Tabletop Miniatures.
- The Rules of War
- Reviews of Epic Armageddon, Legends of Araby, Final Days, Warhammer Storm of Chaos and How To Make Wargames Terrain.