The Journal of Fantasy and Science Fiction Wargaming
Issue 24 contains the following:
- Tomorrow belongs to me
- Yesterday can be yours (Iron Cow)
- Temptation
- Two pints of lager and a packet of crisps please! (Flintloque)
- Chitin & Slime
- Goo.... (Into the Lazerzone)
- Zombie
- More strange goings on (call in Mulder and Scully)
- Last one out is toast
- First one out is yellow (Full Thrust)
- Environmental Hazards
- Jungle, more jungle and more jungle
- Tally Ho!
- Time to get wet (Man O'War)
- Gunfight at Bloody Mary's
- Too much alcohol in this issue... (Killzone)
- Atlantis
- More water, this article is a myth (Hordes of the Things)
- Trading Places
- To discount or not discount
- Reviews of AnimOuch, Breach 3, Harpoon II and miniatures from Games Workshop, Revell and Veni Vidi Vici.