Ragnarok article indices
Articles uploaded on 15th March 2004
Three articles from the very earliest Raganroks on the topic of using plastic figures in fantasy wargames.
Fantasy Battle on a Budget
by Steve Blease from Ragnarok 1
No longer need your ambitions to lead hordes of barbarian warriors to fame and victory be thwarted by the prices set by the 'men in suits'.Metamorphosis
by John Taylor Koziol from Ragnarok 3
One of the great advantages that plastic figures have is their adaptability.Fantasy Battle on a Budget II
by Will Johnson from Ragnarok 4
This article is a sequel to the article in Ragnarok 1 on 20mm plastic fantasy figures, which is a fine description of the use of these cheap and plentiful figures, but did not go far enough.
Previous update: 31st January 2004 - 7 articles.