Ragnarok article indices
Articles uploaded on 17th July 2003
Peter Pan - The Wargame
by Jim Webster from Ragnarok 13
"The UN's peace keeping operations have become more extensive over recent years, as more and more of the world's trouble spots have been taken under their wing. When you were placed in charge of a multinational force sent to maintain order in Neverland, you knew it wasn't going to be easy..."Sutler's Lot
by Matthew Hartley from Ragnarok 17
"When introducing some element of logistics into your campaign game, it is vital you think carefully about how much effect you want supply to have on the game and how much game time you are prepared to put into the logistics issue."Just a string & a bent stick...
by Gary Hughes from Ragnarok 19
"Archers in wargames armies seem to fall into one of two categories: the dross of society or the medieval superweapon."The Holy Grail
by Alan Millard for Hordes of the Things from Ragnarok 19
"May I present on behalf of Python the True and Accurate lists of King Arthur's army and his foes."Tripping the Light Fantastic
by David Manley for Full Thrust from Ragnarok 21
"I was never all that happy with instant star drives. At the crucial moment the enemy always pushed the button and disappeared into hyperspace. I wanted something with more of a challenge, and something which would improve campaigning."Moving Rapidly in the General Direction of Away...
by Mary Gentle from Ragnarok 26
"It occurred to me that wargame morale rules don't weight desertion anything like heavily enough. Do commanders (players) seriously consider all the factors causing it when issuing orders?"